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So Who and What is Jailbreak and Why??

As I sit here sipping on a Dogfish 90 Minute and after a long afternoon of polka at Blob’s Park (you locals might have heard of it), I’m extremely excited to kick off the blog. Kasey’s been working night and day to get the website up and running and while it’s still in it’s infancy…..we believe it to be a worthy infant worth keeping around.

So many of you might be asking…..”Who is Jailbreak and what’s up with the name?” Well it would be a good question to ask so allow me to elaborate. For many months, Kasey and I kicked around countless iterations of names that were catchy, trendy, or even ones that somehow summed up our philosophy. Trust me when I say there were some good names and even more VERY bad ones. Thankfully we didn’t opt for my suggestion of “Climb Axe Brewing”…….one of my racier ideas.

During one of our daily calls, I expressed to Kasey my sense of “imprisonment” in my 13 year career. While the money was good and I loved the folks I worked with….the excitement had been sapped out of me at least a few years prior. Maybe it was due to the fact that I had moved from a sales role and direct interaction with customers and into a management position.  Managing people was not and is not my forte. Or maybe it was the mundane nature of the “button pushing” that I attributed to controlling the day-to-day operations of a company. Whatever the case may have been, I woke up each and every day dreading the thought of another day behind a desk. I very much wanted to lead, but, by example and not by the use of pie charts based on cyclical patterns, market trends and not so scientific algorithms. Nope… wasn’t working. The time had come to sacrifice the paycheck (and in turn sacrifice all the junk I had accumulated over the years) in return for the reintroduction of a bit of passion back into my livelihood. The time had come to make my escape. The time had come to tear down the bars, rid myself of the excuses of why misery could be justified by a financial figure. It was time to cross my fingers, scale the wall and take the plunge and see what was on the other side.  It was time for a Jailbreak!

So here we are and here I am. On the other side….well…kinda. We’re still working hard to make the dream a reality. Basically, I’ve broken free but am completely naked without even a jailhouse shank to protect myself. But they say the first step is the hardest and I’ve at the very least crossed that hurdle.

So that’s the story. You now have a bit of background behind the name. While you might say that it was a longwinded response, I hope it was at least thorough. I’ll get back to polishing off my Dogfish 90 but promise to keep you all up to speed on our progress. We’ll be announcing our new home address in the coming weeks as well as keeping everyone abreast of the timelines to initial launch. Until then….drink well and I hope you all find your own personal escape…..your very own Jailbreak……

8 thoughts on “So Who and What is Jailbreak and Why??”

  1. I can hardly read what is being posted here. You need to darken it so it is readable..good luck and cant wait to try some of your brew. Maybe you can ship some to me here in Arkansas.

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